FOIL Records Request Procedure 








The Freedom of Information Law


The Freedom of Information Law (FOIL) is a law that gives you the right to access information from certain public agencies.  See the full text of FOIL at



How to Submit a FOIL Request


Submit a written request via email to with a description of the information being sought.


Should you desire copies of records, fees shall apply in accordance with Section 87(1) of the Public Officers Law. Advanced payment is required before records will be released.


Fees for Photocopies


Pages up to 9" x 14" are $.25 each or the actual cost of reproducing any other record. The fee for reproducing a record may include the actual cost of the storage device or media, actual cost for engaging outside professional service to reproduce record, hourly salary for employee time used in reproducing the record.

Please make check or money orders payable to the City of Buffalo Urban Renewal Agency.


Response Time to FOIL Request


Five (5) business days from receipt of request that reasonably describes the requested records to approve, deny, or if decision cannot be rendered within such time, send acknowledgment letter of the receipt of the request. If acknowledgment letter is sent a determination must be rendered with twenty (20) business days from the date of the acknowledgment letter. If access to the records cannot be granted within that time, then a date certain when they will be provided.


Appeals to FOIL Requests


Appeals to FOILs should be directed to:

City of Buffalo Urban Renewal Agency

Attention: Legal Department, FOIL Appeal

901 City Hall

Buffalo NY 14202



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